Submission Support

Tell Tell Poetry's WHERE TO SUBMIT POETRY - September, October, November 2024
Tell Tell Poetry's WHERE TO SUBMIT POETRY - June, July, August 2024
Where to Submit - March, April & May 2024
Tell Tell Post Publication Reward Blog
Where to Submit December, January, February 2023/2024
Where to submit June, July, August 2023
Where to Submit Your Mixed Media Poetry
Where to Submit for Fast Turnaround
Where to Submit: Weird Edition
Where to Submit for Young Poets
Where to Submit for Poets with Disabilities
Literary Magazines That Support Poetry by LGBTQIA Writers
Journals That Accept Reprints
Where to Submit Your Haikus
Where to Submit Your Eco-Poetry Using chill subs
Where to Submit Without Fees
Where to Submit Poems About the Body, Illness, and Disability?
Where to Submit Your Poems - March, April, May 2023
Where to Submit Your Poems - December, January, February
Where to Submit Poetry - September, October, November 2022
Where to Submit Your Poems - June, July, August 2022
Where to Submit - Poetry Edition - March, April, May 2022
Entropy and Where to Submit
Tell Tell Submission Series: where to submit if you are a young poet
Submissions Series: Journals that accept poetry with photographs
Tell Tell Submissions Series: Fast-Response Journals
Tell Tell Submission Series: Feminist Publications
Submissions Series: Magazines that Pay
How to publish a full-length poetry collection
Submission Series: Submitting Prose Poems
Submission Series: How It’s Done
Submissions Series: Most Beautiful Online Lit Mags to Submit to
What’s the Difference? Chapbooks vs. Full-Length Poetry Collections
Submissions Series: Weirdest Lit Mags to Submit to
Submissions Series: Lit Mags Open in the Summer
Where to Submit in September